Hair removal with
ND:YAG laser
Neodym doped Yttrium-Aluminum-garnet laser in Mannheim
Structure of the YAG-laser
How does the ND:YAG laser work?
The latest technique in the field of laser technology provides a promising method to permanently *remove hair. Removal using light has proven to be the most effective way to permanently* get rid of annoying hair. The focused light of the ND:YAG laser transmits the light pulses to the hair root and releases thermal energy there. Due to this emission, the hair root is impaired to the extent that it can no longer produce nutrients meaning that hair is unable to grow. The experiences of our customers with the ND:YAG laser were very positive.

Technical details of the ND:YAG laser
The YAG laser is a solid state laser. It emits short but highly energetic light pulses with a fixed wavelength of 1064 nm. In this respect, the letters stand for the abbreviation neodymium doped laser. The laser is equipped with an yttrium-aluminum-garnet crystal. The generated light hits the crystal whereupon the neodymium atoms are activated. The laser then emits the light pulses.
The laser technology has a selective effect on certain color types of the skin. The great advantage of this is the possibility of targeted treatment without damaging surrounding tissue or blood vessels. The wavelength is therefore matched to the melanin of the hair. This means that the light can be optimally absorbed by the hair and the hair root.
Functionality of the ND:YAG laser
The underlying mode of function
First, the light pulses of the YAG laser hit the surface of the skin. These pulses are subsequently absorbed by the color pigment melanin and transmitted through the hair to the hair root. Within the root itself, the energy of the light is converted into heat. This deprives the hair follicle of its function of supplying the hair with nutrients. Consequently, new hair can no longer form. This has the advantage that the energy only reaches the hair root, the surrounding skin tissue and blood vessels are just not affected.

Special features of laser hair removal with ND:YAG laser
For which hair and skin types is the YAG laser suitable?
Due to the specific effect exclusively on the hair or the hair root, this technology is particularly well suited for the treatment of dark skin types. Dark skin types are often characterized by a strong growth of black or dark brown hair. The roots of these hairs are usually located very deep in the skin. Due to the YAG laser, the light pulses of this technique penetrate particularly deep into the skin (up to about 5 mm). In this way, especially deep-seated hair roots can also be reached.
The YAG laser and the hair growth phases
The hair life cycle is divided into a growth phase, a transitional phase and an inactive phase. A promising treatment of each individual hair is only possible in the growth phase, the active phase of the hair. During this stage there is an active connection of the hair to the hair root. The percentage of active hair in the area to be treated is about 10%. Therefore, not every hair can be reached in one session, since the remaining hairs have no connection to the hair root. Usually 8-10 sessions are necessary to reach every hair in the active phase. With each session, the number of hairs decreases step by step.

Procedure and instructions
How does the treatment proceed?
The handpiece of the laser is placed on the area to be treated and a targeted laser pulse is emitted. Often a slight pricking or tingling sensation is felt, which is however completely normal and unproblematic. A slight reddening after treatment is also harmless. This should subside after 2-3 days at the latest.

Is it possible to have a sunbath before the treatment?
The melanin of the skin reacts to the light impulses. Since melanin is also responsible for the tan after sunbathing, intensive sunbathing or solarium sessions should generally be avoided during the treatment in order to prevent unnecessary skin irritation. The period of treatment is approximately 3 – 4 weeks. Alternatively, you can protect yourself from the sun with sunscreen SPF 50.
Can I epilate before the laser treatment?
You should also refrain from epilating or bleaching your hair 4 weeks before the treatment. In addition, the hair should also not be plucked or waxed. This is due to the light traveling along the hair to reach the hair root. If the hair is completely removed and not just trimmed down to the skin, the light cannot reach the hair root.
Calming the skin before laser treatment
In order to optimally prepare the skin for the upcoming treatment, you should shave the affected areas of the body one day beforehand. If you are having a treatment in the facial area, you should remove your make-up beforehand and clean the skin thoroughly.
Intensive sunbathing should also be avoided after treatment with the neodymium YAG laser. This applies to the entire treatment period as well as after each individual treatment. After each treatment, the skin can react very sensitively to sunlight. In the worst case, pigmentation disorders may occur.
Are you also interested in permanent hair removal* with the help of laser therapy? Do not hesitate and arrange your personal and non-binding consultation today!
more information about hair removal with the YAG-Laser

Are you interested in permanent hair removal* with the YAG laser? If so, arrange a free consultation appointment at the Mannheim Institute right away. Our specialist staff will be happy to explain further details about this technique and discuss the possibility of treatment with this technique with you. All further details about the treatment itself will be explained to you, as well as the expected number of treatments and the associated costs.
We look forward to your visit in Mannheim and to introducing you to the technology of the ND:YAG laser. We will be happy to answer all your questions competently so that you can start your treatment relaxed.