banner picture fair pricing and cost packages

Haarfreiheit Mannheim

Prices & Costs
for permanent hair removal
in Mannheim

Laser hair removal or opt for cold light treatment, but what does hair removal cost?

Find out more about the costs of permanent* hair removal from your expert at Haarfreiheit Mannheim | Innovative technology and professional service from experts

Calculator and banknotes photo collage
Award for best technology icon

and best Service

Trust in our expertise!

Separator Beauty

medical & cosmetic specialists
medical cooperation
no gag contracts
almost all skin and hair types
best technology
all technologies available on the market
painless treatment
over 100,000 treatments
over 15 years of experience

Fotokollage medizinische Kooperation
Separation line medical cross

Competent service for hair removal with medical and cosmetic specialists and a medical cooperation partner ensures optimal care.


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Payment in instalments possible

Nothing should stand between you and your beauty!

Start your permanent hair removal treatment today* in every desired body region and get rid of annoying hair in just a few sessions. The innovative XENOgel® Technology is skin-gentle and pain-free – exclusively for hair-free!

During a free consultation we will answer all your questions about technology, process, prices & payment options. Just get in touch with us!

Worry-free towards hairlessness.

Think about it photo collage

Before the treatment can start

Have you been interested in a hair permanent* hair removal from a specific area of your body for a while, but want to know how much it costs?

As an expert in permanent* hair removal with light, we can offer you all the light technologies available on the market, such as XENOgel® Technology, IPL or the diode laser. You might be wondering if this already makes a difference which technique is used.

Störer Trenner HF Initialien

Are there price differences between the technologies?

Despite the many different technologies, the costs of the treatment do not differ according to the chosen technique, but according to the desired body zone. This gives you complete freedom in choosing the technology to be used in the treatment. If you’re still unsure which technique to use to get rid of hair permanently*, we can reassure you. Because the start of the treatment is preceded by an individual and free consultation.

Illustration same pricing different technologies

During your free consultation, our trained specialist staff can advise you on the individual techniques. Because the right technique also depends on your skin and hair type.

Hair removal for women

Hair removal for women

Every body region

Illustration woman body regions

** Prices per treatment with the Haarfreiheit PREMIUM plan. All further pricing details will be provided during your personal consultation. Prices apply per treatment. Apprentices and students receive a 5% discount upon presenting a valid student or training ID.

Zone combination to save money

hanks to our flexible combination options, you can easily choose to treat multiple body zones and save a lot of money. We already offer you certain packages, which are often chosen by customers. But also an individual compilation with the possibility of saving is given.

Body Region and Packages Illustration

Hair removal for men

Every body region

Illustration body regions man

Hair removal for men

** Prices per treatment at the PREMIUM tariff, all further price details and cost differentiations can be explained in a personal consultation
Prices are listed per treatment, trainees and students receive 5% discount on presentation of a student or training certificate.

Appointment and consultation Icon

Arrange your free consultation now and learn more

Look forward to consistently smooth skin without shaving or epilating by scheduling your free consultation now to learn more about the costs. Our specialists will make an initial assessment of your skin and the technology recommended for it and will then be able to tell you the expected costs of the treatment. The consultation is both free and non-binding. Afterwards, you are free to decide whether you want to start a treatment with your expert for permanent* hair removal in Mannheim.

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    Give us a call or write to us:


    Phone: 0621 / 58 67 490


    WhatsApp: 0621 58 67 490




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    Appointment & Consultation